
Your gift is tax deductible

Holding peaceful prayer vigils outside of abortion facilities is POWERFUL and has proven to change hearts and save lives!  So far we have seen at least 280 women choose life for babies they were scheduled to abort (at least 4 women were pregnant with twins!); we’ve witnessed 15 abortion workers have conversions and leave their jobs, trained hundreds of Sidewalk Advocates in Central Texas and other cities that want to replicate our efforts, and helped thousands of men and women find positive and life-affirming healthcare alternatives in the community.  To hear some of the stories and see photos of the moms and babies, click here

If you can give $10, $100, $500, $1,000, $10,000 or whatever you are able to give, it HELPS. Perhaps there is a special number that you would like to give to honor someone – like $218 to represent the time of the birth of your child.  Perhaps there is someone you would like to give a gift in their honor.

Your gift helps educate volunteers and in turn educate and empower men and women in our community.  We know education is key to making life-affirming decisions!  We provide resources for our volunteers such as training materials, community/referral resources for Sidewalk Advocates to hand out to moms in crisis and potential customers of the abortion facilities, promo materials for church and community outreach, paying for someone’s professional time like a graphic designer, and usual overhead costs that all organizations have.



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Donation Total: $25