“A” and Sol
One of our Sidewalk Counselors, “R,” shared this story recently. In May of 2014, she helped a mom choose life in Austin. This mother, “A,” was scared because of the father of the baby and his abusive tendencies. But “R” assured her, she would be there for her no matter what. And boy was she! She went with “A” to several of her sonogram/doctor’s appointments, assisted her with rent, material needs, and became a great mentor for her.
“R” said that this was so personal for her that she waited to share this with her fellow volunteers. Her relationship with “A” has come to mean so much to her that she is like a daughter to her. “A” is doing well now, raising Sol with the help of her loving parents and working as a medical professional in a hospital. She is incredibly thankful that “R” was there for her the day she almost aborted her son.
Rosie and Ryan
Rosie actually did not reveal to us until years later that she had scheduled to have her baby aborted. She walked up to a Coalition for Life volunteer during the spring of 2015 and said, “I want you to meet Ryan! He is my 4 year-old son. Almost five years ago, I was sitting in the waiting room of this very abortion facility and just could not go through with my appointment because I remembered someone praying outside and couldn’t shake the overwhelming thought that this was wrong. I am so glad I have my son!”

18 week baby girl
A couple was walking in to get an abortion but they saw a Sidewalk Counselor outside, so they pulled up to talk. They wanted to know where to get a free sonogram, so the SWC sent them to the nearest center that provides free sonograms. Once the couple was there, they asked the center if they also had free abortions. But once they saw their 18 week old baby girl on the screen, they said there was NO WAY they could get an abortion! They were so excited for all of the help and wanted to share the image with us, and that their baby girl is due in July 2015!
Diana & Enrique
Diana sought an abortion in late 2012, but fortunately she talked with a Sidewalk Counselor, Judy, and chose life! She shared this beautiful story with us:
I’ll never forget the day I found out I was pregnant. It was October 7, 2012. I had just returned from a retreat when I took a pregnancy test. I couldn’t believe it. I was active at Texas State’s Catholic Center and was a member of the Catholic sorority. I couldn’t let anyone find out I was pregnant – what would they say? The baby’s father didn’t want a child and said he would pay for an abortion. Without his support, afraid of what others would say, and since I was expecting to graduate in just a few months, I scheduled an abortion. I was the only person in the waiting room. I was really scared. The doctor had me sign some papers that he went through quickly. The examining room was dim and cold. There weren’t any pictures or posters like most doctor’s offices. He couldn’t confirm the pregnancy, so he asked me to reschedule. The next few days, I tried to live life as usual, but kept thinking of that little person inside me. Fortunately, one of my sorority sisters told me about [The John Paul II Life Center]. I didn’t want to go, but eventually, I did.
The JPII Life Center was very different from the abortion facility. It was warm… welcoming. Instead of doing the sonogram to determine how much they would charge me, they gave me one for free. I’ll never forget that sonogram. The doctor told me to lay very still. Then, he showed me the most breathtaking sight I had ever seen – a tiny pulse of red and blue. My baby’s heartbeat! I was only about 5 weeks pregnant, but my baby’s heart was already beating. I knew I couldn’t abort my child.
But later, reality hit. My mom made it very clear that she wanted nothing to do with me or my baby. If I didn’t have an abortion, I would lose my cell phone, my car, my tuition, my apartment. Without the help of my parents, there was no way I could finish school or support myself. How could I take care of a baby?
I choked back tears as I made an appointment at another abortion clinic. Thankfully, God placed the right person at exactly the right time in exactly the right place. As I drove up to [the abortion clinic], I saw a familiar face praying outside the clinic. Then, I heard my name.

“Diana, what are you doing here?” It was Judy [a Sidewalk Counselor and also a counselor] from The JPII Life Center. I ran up to her and was greeted with a warm embrace. I told her my situation and she welcomed me into her home. Within a few hours, she, her husband and The JPII Life Center found me a place to stay and help with tuition. I didn’t know it at the time, but while this was going on, Drew Mariani and the listeners at Relevant Radio were also praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for me and my parents. When I finally worked up the courage to tell my father, he reacted completely different from what I expected. He said he would stand behind my decision. And, he insisted that my mother do the same. After that day, I knew everything would be ok.
Since then, I have graduated from Texas State and gave birth to Enrique, who is loved by me and his grandparents. Without The JPII Life Center, [Relevant Radio and the Coalition for Life], I would not have my baby’s life – or even my own. You see, if I’d gone through with that abortion, not only would it have ended my son’s life, I would have taken my own life. [They] saved us both… and I am forever grateful.

“S” and baby Shannon
“S” was a young woman looking to go to college when she found out she was pregnant. Her mother contacted a friend who was a Sidewalk Counselor and she knew her friend could help talk to her daughter about her options. After going back and forth over many concerns, and lots of prayers of the parents and friends, “S” chose LIFE! Her baby girl Shannon was due in late June of 2015.

Laura & Braden
One day in March 2015 Laura was driving by when she saw people peacefully praying. She decided to stop and talk to Faviola to share that she was at that very same abortion facility 2 years ago when she saw people praying. She had scheduled an abortion but just knew she couldn’t go through with it. She told Faviola, “this is my son, Braden, in the backseat! He is alive today because of what you’re doing!”

Jasmin came to the abortion facility on a freezing cold December morning in 2013. She walked from the bus stop, but before entering the facility she saw people standing and praying. She instantly knew that they could help her and that they were her way out! She teared up as she asked the volunteers for resources of other places to go. The volunteers didn’t hesitate and called the nearest pregnancy center, which took her right away. Jasmin wanted two of the prayer volunteers to go with her, so they drove her to the center where Jasmin saw her 16 week baby on the sonogram! She wanted us to share it and was incredibly thankful for all the help!!
Sidewalk Counselor Angela was praying when she saw Frances walk across the parking lot to the abortion facility and reached out to her. She wasn’t interested in a conversation and headed inside. After a short time she came outside and appeared to be on the phone. Angela reached out to her and prayed that God would allow her to hear her words. After about 15 minutes, Frances walked right up to Angela and said “I’m not going to do it, I’m going to keep the baby.” They went to lunch together and talked for a while. Eventually they exchanged phone numbers to keep in touch. A few months later Frances texted Angela to tell her she was having a boy!
“The joy of being part of something like that was absolutely incredible!” ~Angela

Carmen and Tobi
Carmen was pregnant with Tobi in 2010 and intended to have an abortion due to the difficult circumstances surrounding her pregnancy. By the grace of God, she spoke with a Sidewalk Counselor who encouraged her to go to a local pregnancy resource center for help. Carmen chose LIFE and gave birth to Tobiah “Tobi” in August 2010. Carmen loves volunteering and being involved with several ministries, including the Central Texas Coalition for Life, which help women in situations similar to what she found herself in years ago.

Brandi & Chloe

Ashley and baby Leah
Ashley was 16 when she found out she was pregnant with Leah. She was pressured by family into getting an abortion against her will. After talking with Sidewalk Counselors outside the abortion facility in which her family drove her, she was able to receive free legal protection of her right to have her baby from Texas Center for Defense of Life.
Volunteers from Central Texas Coalition for Life also threw Ashley a baby shower after Leah was born, and by that time her family had come around and were happy to welcome Leah into the family!

Denice and Dynasty
Denice was a sophomore in college when she and her boyfriend, Devonrick, found out she was pregnant with Dynasty. Denice felt like she had already “went against the odds” since she had a baby in high school and still graduated. She felt that finishing college with two children was just not possible. Fortunately, she spoke with a Sidewalk Counselor who gave her resources that could help them during this difficult time.
Dynasty was born in September 2011 and is full of smiles. Central Texas Coalition for Life volunteers also threw Denice a baby shower to show her friendship and support in her courageous decision for LIFE! Denice has completed her bachelor’s and masters degrees and is now engaged to be married to Devonrick.

Aleida & Lucy Jannelle
Aleida was very scared when she found out she was pregnant with Lucy. She went back and forth between abortion and parenting…a Sidewalk Counselor met her outside an abortion facility one day. Aleida knew she just couldn’t go through with abortion after that, but still struggled day to day with choosing to parent her baby. The Sidewalk Counselor befriended her, held her hand through the whole pregnancy and after, and encouraged her in her positive decision for LIFE!

Nomi and Joseph
Nomi was driving into an abortion facility in March 2012 when she saw a sweet lady at the driveway. She rolled down her window and told her that she was there for an abortion. The Sidewalk Counselor, Gail, told her that she could get a free sonogram at a local pregnancy center and more information about her options. Nomi agreed and went with the Sidewalk Counselor. After seeing her baby’s heartbeat and profile on the screen, she chose LIFE! Later on Gail was able to visit with her and meet her new little baby, Joseph.