Parking: 9041 Research BLVD

 (North Austin, Research BLVD: Planned Parenthood

This satellite facility (which refers for abortions) is located in an office complex on the second floor above the Casa Chapala restaurant. 



 Parking is offsite. Please contact your Day Captain or Site Coordinator for parking instructions.


Where to Pray


The public right of way includes the grass and the sidewalk between the parking spaces and the street.


Love Thy Neighbor


Please respect our neighbors and park only in the locations designated above.

As peaceful and law-abiding volunteers:


  • We park only in the areas designated above
  • We stand and pray only in the areas designated above
  • We do not block the driveways or entrances to the facility
  • We obey all posted city parking signs



    Ready to make an appointment with God?


    Contact our office via phone or email ( to discuss our guidelines including our Statement of Peace, and to make an appointment with God on the sidewalk with a prayer partner.