
Shop for Pro-life Gear!

Central Texas Coalition for Life has a humble but great selection of pro-life items for sale!  We order materials from several resources including Heritage House, but because we order them in bulk, we get a discount and that saves YOU shipping and other costs!

To purchase any of the items below, please stop by the CTCL office (downtown Austin, 2717 Rio Grande St, corner of 28th & Rio Grande St. where the Austin Pregnancy Resource Center is housed).  The building is open Monday – Friday, 10am-3pm.  Or you can get your items at any of our upcoming rallies.  To reserve your item(s) now, email and let us know when you will pick them up.


40 Days for Life Bracelets

40 Days for Life wristbands


ITEM: 40 Days for Life wristbands
SIZE: Adult and child
suggested $2 donation


40 Days for Life black short sleeve t-shirt



ITEM: 40 Days for Life t-shirt
COLOR: Black
SIZE: S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL (limited)
$10.00  (shortsleeve), $12.00 (longsleeve)



ITEM: 40 Days for Life t-shirt

40 Days for Life light blue short sleeve t-shirt
COLOR: light blue
SIZE: S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL (limited)
$10.00  (shortsleeve)40DfL tote bag


ITEM: 40 Days for Life tote bag
COLOR: light blue
SIZE: one size (appr. 1′ tall x 11 ” wide)




Accordian 40 Days Signs

ITEM: 40 Days for Life yard sign
COLOR: black
SIZE:  2′ tall x 18″ wide

Note: Comes with stake to push in ground


ITEM: Precious Feet Pin

precious feet gold and silver pins

Precious Feet gold and Silver pins

COLOR: gold or silver

PRICE: $2.00  ea.

Note: Actual size of unborn baby’s feet at 10 weeks; Comes with card with facts of development from conception to 10 weeks



precious-feet pin (fingers holding)


ITEM: Precious hands Pinprecious hands gold and silver pins
COLOR: gold or silver
$2.00  ea.

Note: Actual size of unborn baby’s hands at 10 weeks; Comes with card with facts of development from conception to 10 weeks



Conception to Life brown braclet

Conception to Birth bracelet

ITEM: Conception to Birth bracelet
COLOR: wooden brown
$5.00  ea.

Note: contains prayer on opposite side of each image





ITEM: Bumber stickersAbortion is the ultimate child abuse bumper sticker
PRICE: $2.00 -$3.00  ea.




Thank God your mom was prolife bumper sticker











ITEM: Magnetic Bumber stickerAbortion stops a beating heart bumper sticker
PRICE: $5.00




ITEM: Book: unPlannedunplanned cover
Author: Abby Johnson
$20.00  ea.

Note: Autographed copies available! Also available on audio CD








ITEM: Book: 40 Days for Life: Discover What God has Done, Imagine What He Can Do40_Days_for_Life_book Cover

Authors: David Bereit, Shawn Carney
$20.00  ea.









ITEM: Book: Pro-life Answers to Pro-choice ArgumentsProLifeAnswers

Author: Randy Alcorn
PRICE: $20.00  ea









ITEM: Book: The UnAborted Socratesthe-unaborted-socrates-kreeft-peter

Author: Peter Kreeft
PRICE: $10.00  ea