Janet, Juana and Mike were praying this morning when a young woman drove into the parking lot and summoned Janet to come talk with her. She’s 20 years old and was scheduled for her pre-abortion “counseling” appointment that she was 20 minutes late for. She told Janet, “I just don’t want to do this!” She was feeling a great deal of pressure from the father of the baby. She also said she just wanted to get it over with.
Janet spoke words of encouragement and life into her. She is a believer and knows that God loves her and this baby. But she was trying to keep those thoughts out of her mind so that it would be easier to go through with the abortion. Janet gave her her contact info as well as resources available to her. “I’ve been there, right where you are, I’ve been there!” Janet told her. “You will regret this, you don’t want to do this. I promise we can help you!”
The woman ended up driving toward the back building but left shortly after that!! PRAISE GOD! Let’s all pray for “K”. Pray those seeds Janet planted in her bear fruit in her life and that she choose life!!