Tragically we saw several very busy abortion days prior to and for two days after the Heartbeat Law passed. However, we saw two closed days in a row after that at a facility that is typically open on both those days! Christine and Debbie reported, “we had many friendly and neutral waves, one extremely loud ‘f* you, heathen’ from a male driving by, (I do not think that word means what you think it means), a very enthusiastic ‘sending lots of love and good vibes, thank you, thank you, thank you’, (she could barely contain herself), and overall a definite increase in positive responses much more than negative.”
Pregnancy centers are reported an increase in clientele, and some are receiving higher amounts of calls for post-abortion healing. The abortion industry is upset that they had to cancel a bunch of abortion appointments and reduce their staff – which really makes you wonder – if abortion is “only 3% of their services” and they can still do some abortions, what’s the big deal? Why would it affect them much? We all know why. Because abortion is far more than 3% of their services and is their cash cow. They can’t profit off of dead babies’ bodies and vulnerable women nearly as much now.
We NEED to show up, pray and reach out to women to offer the many life-affirming alternatives available that they are often unaware of and in great need of. WOMEN, MEN AND BABIES DESERVE BETTER than abortion. Everyone deserves a birthday! Join us on the sidewalk – you could be that sign a mother is looking for.