April encountered a pregnant mom last Thursday on the sidewalk who was looking for a sonogram. April and Marty were just about to end their shift on the sidewalk when “S” pulled into a parking spot and began talking with April. “She was already crying and I asked if she was alright. She said everything just hit her all of a sudden and she was emotional. I introduced myself and told her God loves her and cares about what’s going on” reported April.
She was scared and was thinking she needed an abortion because of financial issues. After a bit of calling around we found that Trotter House in Cedar Park was open and could get her a sonogram right away, which was this mom’s preferred location. “I asked ‘S’ if I could pray with her before she left and she gladly accepted,” said April. “Praising God for His wonderful works on behalf of His creation!”
“S” went, saw the heartbeat and knew she could no longer even consider abortion! She is getting set up with all kinds of support. God is good!!! He used our wonderful folks on the sidewalk and the Trotter House staff that day in a big way!