From Heather:
As I was praying on a Friday morning at the Research BLVD abortion referral facility, the second week of our 40 Days for Life vigil, a man pulled up to the driveway from the parking lot, rolled down his window and asked me what I was doing standing there. “Hey, what’s up!? I’m here to offer information about pregnancy services in the area as well as other healthcare and social services. Do you know someone who might need this help?”
He smiled and said, “actually, my girlfriend is pregnant.” “Oh wow – how far along is she?” He said she was two months pregnant, and that this was his third child. He then ask more about the other services. “You said there are parenting classes, is that just lamaze classes or do you have something to help me with my toddler?” He said they were having severe behavior issues with their toddler and he was actually coming to Planned Parenthood to get help with that! “Whaaat?!” I exclaimed. “Who told you to come here for that?!”
He said several people including a worker at his child’s daycare recommended he go to Planned Parenthood for help with his toddler. I couldn’t help but laugh. He was surprised to hear that PP wouldn’t help with that. “Why not?” I asked him what PP told him when he went inside to ask them. He said he actually didn’t make it inside because he saw me standing here and thought he should talk to me first. “Well, you thought right!” I replied, smiling. I listed the things that PP does, and told him that the only counseling that would happen is how to continue with risky sexual behavior and how to get an abortion. He was confused, and I told him, “I know, the name is deceiving. That’s on purpose. They will NOT help you with your toddler and don’t care to help you be a parent. They are interested in helping avoid and take away your parenthood.”
I gave him our directory card,, and referred to a couple of specific places that could help him and his girlfriend with all of their kids, including the new baby. He was very grateful and said he was going to call on of those places right away.
Always a wonderful blessing to have people find help at a life-affirming resource!!